Box of Papers

Below we have links for Documents, FindAGrave Memorials, Photos, and Research reports.
If you have documents and photos you would like to have uploaded please contact Charlotte (
In progress – big project. There is a hold on this for the moment due to the switch of Abraham’s.
0. Johann & back1. Valentine2. Elizabeth
3. John4. Barbara5. Magdalene
6. Jacob7. Isaac8. Abraham
9. Christopher10. Catherine11. Samuel
If you know where some of the Unknowns go (lines), please email

FindAGrave Memorials
In progress – big project.
1. Valentine 2. Elizabeth 3. John
4. Barbara 5. Magdalene 6. Jacob
7. Isaac 8. Abraham 9. Christopher
10. Catherine11. SamuelUnknown
If you know where some of the Unknowns go (lines), please email

Hall of… (researched by Jeffrey Niles)
The Hall of Abraham Shockey v1.5 (update coming soon)The Hall of Christopher/Christian v1.0 (update coming soon)
The Hall of John Shockey v1.0 (coming soon)


coming soon

Research Reports
Abraham Shockey 1755-1861, son of Valentine (update coming soon)Abraham (1755) - Son of Johann or Valentine? DNA proven
Christopher Shockey bef 1755 - 1779John Shockey 1743-1820 (in progress)